This site is an open forum for people to discuss Araya and his role in Costa Rican politics. Anybody is allowed to visits this site, and you are free to express your opinions, make comments or provide feedback on political issues relating to Araya. However, this site will be using cookies to ensure that all web browsing history to the site is tracked. Cookies are only used for improving the quality of the services that we provide to you through this site and not for any other reason. All people who use this site will be monitored with their IP addresses.
This site does not ask for any personal details. Visitors to the site are requested to show politeness in their comments. Visitors who are found harassing other visitors in any way by asking for further information like their phone numbers or addresses will not be entertained on the site. All the details of the visitors that are collected are kept private, and no one is allowed access to their details. The info obtained from the visitors are also not shared with anyone, including third parties for any purpose whatsoever. This site is for the benefit of people who want to know more about the political motivations of Araya that are available. Visitors to the site are asked to refrain from making rude and unpleasant comments on any matter. Abusive language, hateful speeches, and offensive comments are not allowed on the site, and anyone found doing so will be blocked from the site.